Cluster headaches that attack suddenly often interfere with comfort in the move. Even so, cluster headaches do not always have to be overcome by taking drugs, you know. There are several natural ways that can be done to overcome them. Cluster headaches are characterized by headaches with severe intensity and can spread to the eye. Cluster headaches usually occur suddenly and often occur at night. This condition can cause sufferers to wake up from sleep because of the pain felt. Various Ways to Overcome Cluster Headaches Cluster headache attacks usually last for approximately 30-45 minutes. Although the exact cause is unknown, cluster headaches can be triggered by changes in hormone levels, such as melatonin and cortisol, lack of sleep, and jet lag. If the trigger is known, cluster headaches can be prevented by avoiding these triggers. In addition, you can also try some of the following natural ways to overcome them: 1. Consume foods that are rich in magnesium If you often expe...